Physiotherapy Rehabilitation and Treatment at Physio F/X
Physiotherapy Massage therapy and NaturopathyPhysiotherapy Massage therapy and Naturopathy
Physiotherapy Massage therapy and NaturopathyPhysiotherapy Massage therapy and NaturopathyPhysiotherapy Massage therapy and Naturopathy
Physiotherapy Massage therapy and NaturopathyPhysiotherapy Massage therapy and Naturopathy
Physiotherapy at Physio F/X in Scarborough

Check out Physio F/X's Gym environment
The Tour
The gym at Physio F/X is fully equipped with Physiotherapy specific exercise equipment.

The gym is also equipped with free weights, stability boards, Theraband elastic bands, and exercise balls.   

The gym space is always filled with natural light.  As shown here, the entire length of the gym is bordered on the North side by windows.

We've upgraded to 5 cardiovascular exercise machines as shown here.

Our treatment style is "one-on-one".  Each client is treated individually.  The gym is never crowded!
We've recently upgraded to six treatment tables which can be fully enclosed for privacy.  These areas are used for modality-based treatments like Laser, and Therapeutic Ultrasound.  We also have 2 other rooms that can be used for more privacy, if needed.  We have a spinal decompression table (not shown) to aid in a variety of treatments and relief of pain.

A better way to feeling better

Providing Physiotherapy, Massage, Naturopathy and Acupuncture
 A better way to feeling better!
Tel: 416-279-0460
55 Town Centre Ct. Suite 640
Scarborough, ON
M1P 4X4
Your First VisitBillingCareer Opps.Tour the Clinic

We've also added in a some T-Zone Vibration machines.  
Welcome to Physio FX!
Please feel free to walk-in for a tour or to discuss any inquiries or concerns you may have with one of our friendly team of Administrators.  
Not sure of the therapy you need?  We can help direct you toward the kind of therapy you may require.
We will assist you in scheduling your  appointments and help with most billing issues and claim inquiries through your Extended Health, Motor Vehicle or WSIB insurance.
Please don't hesitate to ask  - we are here to help you every step of your way to feeling better!  
Our clinic has a total of 3 Massage Therapy Rooms (not all shown) as well as a therapy room for our clients coming in for their initial Physiotherapy or Chiropractic assessments, Naturopathic or  Acupuncture treatments.
HOMEConditions We TreatCareer OpportunitiesPrivacy PolicyFirst VisitCONTACT USStretch TherapyPersonal TrainingCOVID-19

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Physiotherapy Massage therapy and NaturopathyPhysiotherapy Massage therapy and Naturopathy
Physiotherapy Massage therapy and NaturopathyPhysiotherapy Massage therapy and NaturopathyPhysiotherapy Massage therapy and Naturopathy
Physiotherapy Massage therapy and NaturopathyPhysiotherapy Massage therapy and Naturopathy
Tel: 416-279-0460
55 Town Centre Ct. Suite 640
Scarborough, ON
M1P 4X4
Providing Physiotherapy, Massage, Naturopathy and Acupuncture
Physio FX